2020 AGM Reports
Due to the prevailing precautions and control measures for Covid-19 the club unfortunately needed to postpone the annual AGM meeting. However, for the information of members, the presentations that would have been provided to all members prior to the meeting are listed below and available by clicking here. For convenience, the following have been combined into a single file.
Mylor Bridge BC – Accounts 2019-2020
Chairmans Report 2020
Treasurers Report – 2019-2020
Carpet Bowls Report 2020
Proposal for Club Charity – 2021
I take this opportunity to remind all members that club annual subscriptions fall due from 1st November – £80. Please see the Treasurers report enclosed, which details possible methods of payment, if you wish to leave at the club then you may use the postbox outside if you wish or pin to the notice board.
As the club is currently unable to undertake any AGM voting the current committee have currently agreed to continue their roles through into the next season, the exception to this being that Brian Jeffries has now stepped down from the Chairman role and the position remains vacant at present, any volunteers please pass your name to the committee. Roger Mitchell has also indicated he will be standing down from the Fixtures Secretary position once the next years fixtures are finalised, Leon Simpkin has agreed to step forward and take up the reins on this position and will be duly seconded (pending an AGM vote) by the committee at the appropriate time. The club charity decision is also likely to remain on hold until we can have a full AGM meeting, the very limited funds that were collected for charity this year will remain set aside for payment pending voting on the recipients at the next AGM.
On a personal note I wish to thank all those that have assisted myself (or offered their assistance if required) during this first year as club secretary, it’s been a bit of a challenge over the year but with efforts in the right direction we have managed a partial use of facilities and opportunities to enjoy some bowling however restricted it may have been. Thanks also to those that have organised club events to further promote the uptake of bowling over this chaotic season and into the winter period, and hoping that conditions continue to permit this limited usage into the new year.
Finally, if there are any of our members that have decided they will not be rejoining the club next year we wish you well for the future and regret your departure, however if you could please advise me of your decision so that we can monitor the clubs membership situation and not pursue for funds those that are not planning to rejoin.
Chris Johns – MBBC Secretary