Mylor Bridge Bowling Club is open to all, irrespective of age, gender or bowling experience. Membership from 2025 costs £115 per annum (1st April – 31st March) for a full, adult member. Junior members (under 18) don’t pay an annual fee. There is also a Social Membership category at £10 per annum, for those who no longer wish to play, but want to remain members of the club.
New members joining mid-season, will pay a pro-rata fee for the period from acceptance to the following 1st April. Social membership is available to members who have previously held full membership or bona-fide spouses/partners of full members. The annual social membership fee is payable in full irrespective of date of joining.
New members will receive appropriate tuition from qualified county coaches and sets of bowls are available to borrow for those new to the game. All you need to begin with are flat-soled shoes.
Members are entitled to use the green during the summer season and the indoor ‘short-mat’ and ‘carpet’ facilities during the winter season. The clubhouse is available to use all year round.
Members are also eligible for selection to various, competitive teams as well as playing in friendly and social matches. In addition, they can bring their own guests to the club.
If you wish to become a member, you will need to be proposed/seconded and accept the conditions of joining shown below. Once approved, you will pay the relevant subscription and immediately become entitled to the full range of club benefits.
To start the process, please complete and submit the application form below. Your user name (which cannot be changed) should be how you wish to be seen in the member directory. In most cases members use their name as normally written but it can be your email address or other name, if you prefer. Fields marked with a red asterisk are compulsory, including creating your password. If accepted, the details provided here will form the basis of your member profile, so please ensure they are all correct. On acceptance, payment can be made by cheque to Mylor Bridge Bowling Club or by direct transfer to: Sort Code: 40-44-34 / Account no: 31680358
An online application is preferable but if you would like a printable copy of the application form click here.
Important note to existing members.
If you are viewing this page as a logged on member, your profile will be displayed in place of a blank form. To bring up a blank form, first log out.
If you are amending your personal details, but not changing your password, and you get a password warning message, this is due to the auto-fill facility on your browser, filling in the ‘new password’ box, but not the ‘confirm new password box’. To prevent this, ensure both password boxes are blank before closing. This will not delete your password.
When completing the on-line form, leave blank any boxes that don’t apply.
By submitting the application form; I agree to my completed application being available for members to view for a period of 14 days from the date of submission, after which approval of the application will be made by the Executive Committee, whose decision is final. I agree to abide by the Rules of the Club as laid down in the published Constitution and By-Laws and available on the club website ( or from the secretary. I have read, understood and agree with the Club’s policies in relation to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the safeguarding of young and vulnerable adult members. I agree to my entry in the Member Directory and the inclusion of the above information within my profile. I further agree to images of myself, in a bowls context, being published within the website’s Gallery and News pages, on the understanding they will be removed on request. If no Proposer or Seconder is available, I agree to meet with two appointed members of the club. If, for any reason, an application should be denied, all data relating to that applicant will be securely deleted from our records.