Annual Club Lunch – updated
With regard to the message below, please make your payment by January 11th. Please pay by cheque, so they may be collated in advance of the day, and either hand to Lucie Sulch or place in an envelope marked for Lucie on the notice board. Cheques should be made payable to: MRS K. HOYLE
Please be advised that the Annual Club Lunch has now been booked at the Tehidy Golf Course restaurant for Saturday 8th February. This year the organisation for this event has kindly been taken on by Club President Lucie Sulch.
We hope that as many members as possible are able to attend. There is a poster on the notice board giving details and enabling you to select your menu choices, required to be sent to Tehidy at least a week beforehand.
Details as follows:
Saturday 8th February 2020 – 12:30 p.m. for 1 p.m. start
2 courses: £ 16.95 3 courses: £20.95
Both options include tea/coffee & mints after the meal.