Bowls Cornwall 2021 Season

From Christine Hore – Bowls Cornwall

After receiving the Bowls England guidance for Step 1 effective from the 29th March 2021 the implications for the County Programme have been considered and the Executive Board have approved a revised Joint County Programme which has resulted in some matches/events being cancelled and some changes to the National Championships.  These changes have been kept to a minimum as much as possible but it has been necessary to move some competitions due to the Middleton Cup and the Johns Trophy dates and the Regional Finals of the Balcomb, White Rose and Walker Cup.  A copy of the revised programme is attached for your information and I should be grateful if you would inform your members who have entered the Championships of any changes to the Championships dates.  Please see the attachment for fuller details re the dates and what is required when playing in the competitions.

The updated guidance from Bowls England for Step 2 effective from 12th April was received late yesterday afternoon but this does not affect the decisions taken in respect of the revised Joint County Programme.  However the position will be reviewed when further guidance is received from Bowls England.

Adjustments have to be made to the content of the County Handbooks and these will then be printed as soon as possible.  It is hoped that Clubs will receive their copies during the first week of May.


 Clubs can play 1 league match per evening on 3 rinks socially distanced – no other rinks can be used on that evening until on or after 21st June based on current guidelines. The maximum number of players on a green for an organised sport is 24.   League matches will commence in accordance with the League fixtures already sent out by the Group Officers.  However the Group Officers will amend league dates as necessary if Clubs have two league teams home on the same evening and Clubs will be advised accordingly.   If you have any queries relating to the County  or Group Leagues please contact your Group Officer in the first instance.


 Clubs can play 1 Rippon Cup plus 1 Date Cup matches OR 2 Rippon Cup matches on 3 rinks socially distance – no other rinks can be used until on or after 21st June based on current guidelines.  Changes to league dates must be agreed with your Group Officer.  If you have any queries relating to the County  or Group Leagues please contact your Group Officer in the first instance.

Bowls Cornwall 2021 Joint Programme

Bowls Cornwall Further Guidance