Club Competitions – further update
With the date for confirming entry to internal club competitions having now passed, I can confirm that we appear to have obtained enough entries to start the competitions below.
Mens Handicap Singles – 12 / Mens Drawn Pairs – 4 pr / Mixed Singles – 9 / Mixed Pairs – 8 pr / 3-2-1 – 13 / 3 Sets of 7 – 10
Unfortunately the numbers coming forward for the Ladies events were too small at this time to start those events. However if more members come forward at a later date then it may become possible to arrange them at that time.
I will arrange to make the draws for the competitions during the next 1 or 2 days and will notify direct those that are affected in each competition for the relevant draw that has been made. It will then be the competitor’s responsibility to arrange their matches and contact either Roger (for weekday matches) or Tony (for weekends) to book a rink / time slot, which will still be run within the existing booking parameters. When requesting a rink please inform Roger or Tony that it is for a competition and they will draw the rink number ‘from a hat’ as we would do for events at the club itself (whilst still not knowing in advance which marks the rinks will be set up on).
Score cards will be left on the telephone table inside the main door of the club. Once a match is completed, please leave them behind for me. Remember to mark with competition name and players names. If possible a short message with the final score would also be appreciated so I can keep track of games and record progress. Due to the financial uncertainty of the current year there will not be any prizes for the winners, but names will still be recorded and entered onto the trophies. Entry fee is £2 per event/player. I will advise you of your total fees and arrange a suitable time to collect (probably on a Wednesday when members are playing the internal pairs league).
Chris Johns – Secretary