Club Competitions – update
May I remind those that still have a first round match to play in any of the competitions, that the target is for these to be played by July 6th. Although I didn’t count the numbers, there are certainly still several matches outstanding at this time. Challengers please make contact with opponents and suggest some dates. I will give an update to the listings once that date has passed. For any of you that have already progressed to the next round, congratulations and please do progress your matches onwards if able to do so.
A comment has been passed to me regarding ‘casual’ clothes being worn during a few of these matches. May I just remind all competitors that although many of these games are on a date arranged by yourselves they are club competitions, and as such should be played wearing the club shirt with either white or grey lower clothing (at your option), except on events played on a fixed date when club shirt & whites are required. For those members that are kind enough to offer their time to mark games of singles then they may also wear the same if desired, but if not a club shirt then please aim to wear something similar in nature.
An additional reminder that the Men’s drawn pairs is on Saturday 9th July. Please report by 0930 to enable the draw for teams and games to be made. Club shirts and whites.
Chris Johns – MBBC Secretary