Club re-opening – Tier 1 precautions
I am pleased to advise that due to the ongoing cautious way in which the majority of Cornish dwellers have approached the Covid situation, we are due to return to a Tier 1 status from December 2nd. As such the precautionary measures are very similar to those our club and members were following prior to this latest lockdown and we will therefore be able to resume our previous activities from that date on a similar basis. The online booking system is now open again.
Noted in the government Tier requirements is an emphasis for face coverings indoors, and to reflect this the club precautionary measures have now been slightly revised to V3, available here. The change within the document in Entry and Exit procedure section is as below with remainder of text as before. We are also aware that the Short Mat association has a limit of 4 persons per mat (contrary to government guidance of maximum 6). At this time we leave it to members discretion if they do wish to play above 4 members on the short mat but discussion is ongoing with the association and we may have to follow that at a future time if applying for their ‘safe to bowl’ status.
New section – – – –
Current Government requirements are that you “must wear a face covering in most indoor public settings”, there is no specific mention of private club locations such as our bowls club. As such, the requirement is now elevated such that entry to the club should be made whilst wearing a face covering (unless exempt) except if you are entering as a single person or current ‘social bubble’. If forming a group of more than 1 ‘social bubble’ within the clubhouse then you may only remove your mask if all members present are in agreement for this to occur. Members are reminded that the wearing of face coverings does not remove the need for continued adequate social distancing.
Chris Johns – MBBC Secretary