Fixtures and Booking update (revised)

Fixtures 2021

Due to current circumstances, our fixture list is subject to wholesale changes on a regular basis.  This primarily involves matches being cancelled (and sometimes being reinstated) but can also include changes to opponents or venue.  This is further complicated through opponents scrapping some of their teams or leagues being restructured.  In managing the website, we are keeping the published fixture list as up-to-date as possible but, from time to time, amendments may ‘slip through the net’, due to details not being communicated or just plain human error, made all the more likely when the number of alterations is so great.

For these reasons our 2021 fixtures will only be posted for a maximum of two months ahead.  We hope this will assist in ensuring they are shown as accurately as possible but all players are urged to check with the relevant team managers that match details are correct.

Booking System

It was felt important to get the booking system into use, even though we recognised a couple of limitations, which still had to be developed and incorporated.  In the main, the system is working well and we have stayed within permitted numbers and avoided any overbooking. The areas which we are looking to introduce shortly include a bookings overview, whereby members can see a calendar format, showing all bookings made on a day by day basis.  In addition, we are looking to allowing slots to be opened up on match days, as long as they don’t interfere with the preparation or playing of a match.  Stop press: As of 19th April, we have introduced booking slots on match days as per the criteria noted above. It is also worth noting, that many more slots have become available as whole days are opened up, due to match cancellations.  In May, for example, there are now 267 bookable slots, so there should be plenty of availability for everybody to play whenever they want (within reason).