Green Opening and President’s Day
Although the green will be open for members to commence practice sessions on April 9th (subject to suitable weather and condition of the green on that date),the official opening, President’s Day, will be held on Saturday 16th April.
Unless interrupted by another surge in Covid, which requires control measures, it is planned to return to the normal procedure of holding a shortened game of bowls (12 -15 ends depending on numbers involved), followed by a sit down meal (main + desert) served in the clubhouse, along with a glass of wine from the President, for those that wish (also orange juice alternative). Bar and kitchen will be open. Cost for the event is £6 per person, bowling or not.
Before the bowling starts there will be a bowls spider held. As an entry fee for this, participants will be requested to donate a sum of their choice towards the club charity for this year. There will also be a raffle, and if any member has prizes to donate for this (or any subsequent raffle) they will be welcomed.
A poster with further details will be placed on the club notice board shortly, please apply your names to this so that adequate planning can be made for the format of teams and numbers for catering. If you are not able to attend the club house at this time then please give your details to either Elaine Beckton or myself to have them added.
Chris Johns