Guest Players
Following discussion it was unanimously approved that Guests would be permitted to attend and use the Pétanque & indoor facilities with potential to encourage them to become club members as time passes, subject to following controls.
Guests must be:-
- a) either a close relation or close friend of a club member
- b) booked in via the club booking system by a club member
- c) under direct supervision of that club member during their attendance to ensure they conform to the established control measures.
A session fee of £2 has been set for attendance of a guest. These elements will be incorporated into a version 2 of the Precautionary measures when they are issued, and consideration must be given that attendance of any guest must only be with the agreement of any other members that are present at that booking time, and not become so frequent that actual club members are being excluded from their ability to access the facilities.
Chris Johns – MBBC Secretary