Ladies Leagues 2023
All league matches have now been completed. It was a great season, despite our league positions, and we should pride ourselves on fielding 3 teams, bringing in new players and fulfilling all our Date and Rippon commitments. Thank you to all the players and reserves who made that possible.
At the end of September, we must submit to County, the number of teams we are entering for next year. It always seems ridiculously early but that is the ruling.
This year, we were delighted to reinstate the second Rippon team, but what can we realistically achieve for the 2023 season? We hope that we can maintain the status quo, but there have been queries about whether we could have two Rippon and two Date teams. It is a very big ask and even bigger commitment. This year, the Date team had eight occasions in just five games when reserves were needed. There can be no interchange of players between the two Rippon teams, therefore eight players would be required. Two date teams would mean twelve players. You can however play in both Date and Rippon. We have the number of players and in that respect, we are the envy of many clubs.
We are not asking anyone to nail their colours to the mast, but we will be putting up a list shortly, to test the water and find out how many are interested in playing in the leagues next year.