Mylor A

Mylor A

Tue, 29 Oct, 24 2:00 PM

Carpet League Fixture – Details

Opponent: Mylor A
Venue: Away
Side: Carpet B
Competition: Carpet League
Rinks: 2
Team: 6
Woods: 2
Dress: Greys

This is a Mylor B fixture away to Mylor A (team below is Mylor B).  Mylor A fixture, home to Mylor B, is a separate entry.

Team 1 Team 2


This is a 'Selected' fixture. Only confirm your availability if your name is on the Team Sheet, If you are not available, please call or email the organiser: Susan Kelly

Selected players that have confirmed their availability (if not available you must inform team manager)

Bookings are closed for this event.