Matters from the Hon. Sec.

I should like to bring the following items to your attention:

  1. The green is due to open on Saturday 6th April at 2 p.m. when your Chairman, John Clymo, requests your attendance.   The format of the game will be decided by the number wishing to play.  After play there will be a meal and presentations. If the weather is foul, a quiz has been arranged as a standby. If you wish to attend, please put your name on the sign up poster, which will be put up in the clubhouse in the next few days.
  2. As a result of a recent plea by the committee, John Clymo has offered to run the Strollers team in Sue’s absence. The Chairman has accepted the offer. If anyone would like to help John, please contact him direct. Please support John and the Strollers.
  3. At the recent Men’s players meeting, Kevin Phillips and Frank Derbyshire were elected to run both the A and B teams, as they did last year. Please give them your support. A sheet for those wishing to play league this year is already on display in the clubhouse.
