Mining League Proposal

The proposal below recommends that next year’s Premier Mining League matches be contested between four triples and consist of 15 Ends. Games to start at 6.15.

Tony Hill will be attending the AGM for the vote, so if anyone is against the proposal, can you let both of us know ASAP.

David Woodman – Hon. Sec

Secretaries and officers of the M.D.B.L.

I have received a proposal from Camborne that I quote below.     Would you obtain a mandate from your club members to enable you to vote at the Division’s A.G.M.

That the Premier League of the M.D.B.L. be 4 triples, played over 15 ends.    All matches to start at 6.15 p.m.

Rationale:  The later start time will help players that work, who cannot currently make the 5.45 start which occurs at the beginning and end of the season.   Cutting down the ends from 18 to 15 would alleviate the darkness issue.

Francis Blewett – Hon. Secretary
