Notice of 2021 AGM

Notice of Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Mylor Bridge Bowling Club will be held in the Clubhouse at 7pm. on Thursday 28th October 2021. The agenda for the meeting is given below. I hope that you will be able to attend.

Between this notification letter and the meeting date, various reports / minutes of the last AGM 2019 & SGM in 2020 / Financial statement & report / details of proposals for discussion and voting / details of proposals for changes to Constitution, will be circulated to members beforehand to give them a chance to read them before attending. For those members with an email address this will be via that method, for members that are not online then these items will all be pinned up on the notice board, with exception of the Financial Accounts which will be circulated when available direct to members to preserve confidentiality (as per Constitution 8-5f). It is hoped that this process may reduce the duration of the meeting.

To view the Club Constitution at any time:- for those that access our club website it can be found via “The Club – About the Club – Club Constitution” & past minutes can be read  through the members login area to “Minutes and Reports” / for those members not able to access the website the Constitution and previous minutes are always available in the black document container that is stored on the shelf under the kitchen servery hatch.

Following the AGM, we will be making the presentation of Trophies for the outdoor club competitions, so I would urge all winners and runners-up to attend.

After the Trophy presentation there will be an open forum for any matters for members to discuss.

Chris Johns – Hon. Secretary.


  1. Chairman’s welcome.
  2. Apologies for absence / Minute silence
  3. Minutes of previous meeting.
  4. Matters arising.
  5. Chairman’s address.
  6. Treasurer`s report & presentation of Audited Accounts & Balance sheet.
  7. Other reports
  8. General Proposals
  9. Proposals – Constitution changes.
  10. Election of Club Officers    (Nomination form in the clubhouse)
  11. Election of non-committee officers
  12. Club Charity for 2021/22
  13. Close of AGM