Strollers 2023
Message from Mike & Maggie Coe
If you played as a Stroller in 2022, you will have already received a communication, so no need to read further.
If you are a new member, have a look at the information below, and if you wish to respond, give Mike or Maggie a call.
If you are an existing member of Mylor Bridge BC, then you will most likely know about the Strollers, and we would love you to join us.
Let us know whether:
A. You would like to be selected to play with the Strollers on a regular basis, or B. If the Strollers are short of players on a particular date, you may be willing to ‘fill in’.
The notes below set out some aspects of how we expect the Strollers to operate during the coming season.
1. Objective
The aim of the Strollers is to provide opportunities for social bowling, especially for those who do not participate in League teams, or are new, and less experienced members.
We consider it to be about ‘taking part’ and enjoying social interaction, rather than ‘winning’ at all costs. Having said that, Mylor Bridge were third out of nine clubs in 2022.
2. Matches
Matches are scheduled to take place every Friday at 2pm, from 21st April to 19th August, at 2pm, and alternate between ‘home’ and ‘away’ venues.
A fee of £2 is required for each match, collected by the skips. (A match due on May 5th has been rescheduled to the 4th, so you can all join in the Helston Floral event).
3. Dress – Always ‘Greys’.
4. Team Selection
9 players on three rinks are needed for each match. We would hope to have a pool of around 27 members, so expect to play every third event.
The organisers will endeavour to share selection on an even-handed basis, taking into account a member’s availability. Having said that, each rink will need a skip who is reasonably experienced.
The aim will be to announce teams about three weeks in advance. Teams will be posted on the web site, and also the notice board, and selected members will be emailed.
5 Availability
Members must keep the organisers informed of their availability. The team sheet will include some reserve players for each match. If a member who has been selected for a match finds they cannot then play, they should contact a reserve and arrange for them to play in their stead, and then advise the organisers.
6. Roll-ups
Each week it is expected to hold one roll-up, for practice. This would usually be at 2pm on Tuesdays, but may have to be varied if other events take precedence in a particular week.
7. Organisers
Mike and Maggie Coe will head the organisation. On the odd occasion when they are not available, they will ask a member to deputise.
If you have any thoughts prompted by this note, then please raise them with Mike and Maggie.