Touring Side – 1st July
We have a touring club, Hay-on-Wye, visiting us on Monday 1st July at 1pm. The format is 6 rinks mixed, wearing whites.
A sheet will be posted on the club noticeboard shortly for those interested in playing. It is appreciated that we have a friendly the day before at Probus and the Men’s B team have an away game in the evening but the committee would like as much support as possible for the Hay-on-Wye game as we have a good reputation to maintain.
This is an ideal opportunity for some of the newer members to participate, (the games are not that serious), and if you do not have a club shirt, a white one will do with grey trousers.
If you cannot get to the club to put your name up, please do so on the club website as the club Captain will monitor both.
It is also requested that you come to the club early to meet and greet the visiting team.