If you are amending your personal details, but not changing your password, and you get a ‘confirm password’ warning message, this is not caused by the website but is due to the auto-fill facility on your Internet browser being activated. This will put your password in the ‘new password’ box, but not the ‘confirm new password’ box, To prevent this appearing, delete the auto-entered password and ensure both password boxes are blank before clicking ‘update’ and closing your profile page. This will not change or delete your existing password.
Profile Page
Mylor Bridge Bowling Club
Mylor Bridge Bowling Club was formed in 1964. A key member of this thriving community, it remains a welcoming and inclusive club at the heart of village life. Our highly rated, 6-rink green is one of the finest in the South-West and often hosts regional and county matches.
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© 2021 Mylor Bridge Bowling Club