Winter Mat Booking – updated
Following on from the details below, the following sessions have been pre-booked on a continuous basis:
Fridays – 10.00 and 12.00 for Short-Mat practice roll-up. If there is a Carpet match on at 14.00, roll-up must finish in time for mats to be switched.
Fridays – 18.00 for Carpet Bowls ‘Fun Evening’. Official start time is 19.00 but available from 18.00 to allow for set up etc.
In tandem with the Winter fixtures for Short-Mat and Carpet Bowls now being online, the booking system has now been replaced with its Winter counterpart.
As ever, simple to use, but please read the instructions and stay within the session timescales to ensure maximum availability for all users.
The system automatically adjusts for home matches and won’t allow double booking; it’s very much on a first come first served basis.
Due to limited availability, all members are asked to modify their practice or roll-ups, so as to accommodate as many participants as possible.
Even when the session times for matches are removed, there is still an average, monthly availability of around sixty four 2-hour sessions for each version of the game.. That’s 256 hours per month of practice time. This should enable everyone to reserve times that suit. There is life beyond a 2 p.m. start!