Newquay (Trenance) C

Newquay (Trenance) C

Mon, 13 May, 24 6:00 PM

Tony Allcock Trophy Fixture – Details

Opponent: Newquay (Trenance) C
Venue: Away
Side: Mixed
Competition: Tony Allcock Trophy
Rinks: 2
Team: 8
Woods: 2
Dress: Greys

Team 1 Team 2
Lead Linda Storey Sue Walker
Two Elaine Beckton Paul Bradbeer
Three David Bevan Jan Barnard
Skip Kevin Phillips Chris Johns

This is our B team in this competition. The rules can be found in Regulation 9 in the Competitions section of the Bowls England website:-

Importantly:- 59.1.7 Before the start of the match, the nominated managers shall toss a coin for
choice of jack (first end), the winner having the choice of keeping or giving the
jack away. Then toss a coin to nominate which rink shall play the extra end. The
winner to nominate the name of the skip to play the extra end. This shall be
declared prior to the match commencing. A further toss of a coin for choice of
jack (extra end) should one be required. The winner has the option to make the
choice immediately after the 18th end has been played. The total number of
shots on both rinks shall determine the winner. In the event of a tie af ter 18
ends then an extra end shall be played by the nominated rink to determine the
overall winner.

This is a 'Selected' fixture. Only confirm your availability if your name is on the Team Sheet, If you are not available, please call or email the organiser: Norman Sancto

Selected players that have confirmed their availability (if not available you must inform team manager)

  • David Bevan
  • Paul Bradbeer
  • Susan Walker
  • Linda Storey
  • Christopher Johns
  • Jan Barnard
  • Elaine Beckton

Bookings are closed for this event.