2020 National & County Championship entries

Entries are now being taken for next year’s National and County Championships, outdoor 2020. All entry forms are now displayed on the club noticeboard, under “County” on the Ladies’ section.

If you wish to enter a competition please complete the appropriate form by printing either your name, if a singles competition or print all names if it is a team event. Please make sure the names are legible.

Also, it is imperative that all entrants print their name, telephone number and sign and date the General Data Protection form also displayed on the noticeboard. Failure to do will mean the entry will not be accepted.

I will advertise how I will collect all (Ladies & Gents) entry fees in due course.

Entries must be submitted to Bowls Cornwall, by myself by 30th September 2019, so the forms will be taken down 7 days before.

D C Shermon Hon. Sec.