Annual membership subs
A reminder that annual subs become due on 1st April. If not done already, please pay the due amount of £80 by one of the following methods:
Direct bank transfer to: Sort Code 40-44-34 Account no. 31680358 Put your name and ‘subs’ as a reference.
Cheque – payable to Mylor Bridge Bowling Club. Cheques to be sent to Tony Hill. 5 Mylor Gardens, Mylor Bridge, TR11 5FZ, or placed in treasurer’s letter box (in bar wall).
Cash – place in envelop and write your name and ‘subs’ on the outside, and place in treasurer’s letter box.
The Club have introduced a new membership category – Social Membership. The annual fee for this category is £10 per annum, and does not allow for the playing of bowls, either indoor or out.
If you are renewing on this basis, please add ‘social’ to your reference.