Changes in scheduling for controlled play
From Chris Johns – Secretary
With the launch of the Internal club pairs league that is proposed to start up on July 1st, combined with many members also taking advantage of the Strollers events being organised at weekends by Sue Rath, there is anticipated to be a shift in the bowling pattern of many of the members who are currently bowling, with some wishing to use this opportunity to increase their number of bowling times whilst others will use those scheduled events in place of current bowling.
To fit in with this, the system of Green availability is to be adjusted in following manner, with effect from June 29th:
It is expected that for Wednesdays, starting week commencing 29th June the rinks will now be in use for the Internal league, this is currently being structured and developed by Dave House. details will be sent out soon.
For other weekdays (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday) Roger Mitchell has kindly agreed to operate as a booking point. Please contact him with as much notice as possible by telephone (01872 571711) or email (not checked every day)
Roger will then advise you if rinks are available and which rink you are on, keeping a list of those playing for contact measures.
For weekends – Saturday 2-4 p.m./ Sunday 10-12 a.m. – Sue Rath will continue to arrange groupings for those that have requested to play in the strollers slots. If you need any further information on this, please contact Sue on 01326 372992.
For the other Weekend times that have not been pre-booked for Strollers, Tony Hill has kindly agreed to act as the rink booking point. Please contact him with as much notice as possible by telephone (01326 753495) or email
For members that have not yet come forward to bowl, if they wish to utilise any of these opportunities then please contact me for copies of the Risk and Control measures that are in place to manage the Covid situation.
Whilst it is expected that the Government will be announcing changes to their precautionary measures today, your patience is requested to allow for Bowls England to digest the new information and issue any new advice, and then for the committee to evaluate what effects they may have on our own club precautions and measures. At the moment our measures appear to be working very well with the members currently playing and we hope to expand the facility as time progresses.