Club Reservations System
As the Winter season draws to a close and the indoor mat booking system is no longer required, the new ‘Reservations’ process has been introduced. This is, effectively, the club’s online diary, allowing green reservations, match notifications and other events affecting availability, to be entered and viewed by all members.
It is easy to use, requiring only a couple of clicks and entry of basic information. Those of you who used the previous rink/mat booking system will find it instantly familiar. It uses the same basic platform, but modified to give more flexibility and diary type functionality. In this respect, you just enter in the notes box, whatever you would put in the diary.
A copy of the reservations list will be periodically posted on the notice board, with space for ‘non-web’ members to enter items manually. These will then be added to the online list by arrangement with another member.
In this way we can enable ‘diary’ entries to be done remotely, whilst retaining the facility to enter them in a more traditional manner.
The process will officially start on April 9th, so we have a month or so to review it and fine tune any requirements.