Committee Meeting – 6th Feb 2019 – points arising
To all members; please see below points arising from the recent committee meeting, which are brought to your attention.
1. The Annual men’s meeting will be held on Tuesday 26th Feb. at 7 p.m. in the clubhouse.
2. The clubhouse has been booked all day, with the consent of the committee, on Wed. 27th Feb. to allow the Short-Mat competitions to be played to a conclusion.
3. The club annual Spring clean is on Wed 3rd April from about 09:00. All are welcome to come and do their bit in readiness for opening day, which follows shortly after.
4. Members are reminded not to keep bowls shoes and or bowls in the little storeroom opposite the kitchen. The working party have decorated, laid a new floor and put more cupboard space inside in an attempt to keep the room tidy. Shoes and bowls, if left at the club should be kept in the appropriate changing room.
5. Now that all carpet has been replaced in the clubhouse, by laminate floor, the area is much more prone to noise. Members are asked to bear in mind the etiquette of the game, particularly noise when there are competitive games going on the main room.
6. Minutes of committee meeting will no longer be posted on the main noticeboard. Copies of the same can be found in the black file kept in the clubhouse or on the club website.
7. Members are reminded of County rule 1.5 which states “Members should also be reminded of county rule 1.5 which states that if in a preliminary match the players cannot agree to play on an alternative green then the game must be played on the green selected for the competition.” This affects us this year as we are hosting some of the relevant competitions, and as such will no doubt receive requests from the competitors for rinks to be made available at various times. I know that this can be something we could do without, and is sometimes not very convenient, but I hope that the people in the club who become involved in this will do their utmost to comply with such requests. It must be realised that in some cases the time available to the players in matches is very limited.