Green Availability

Although the official opening day has been deferred by 1 week to hopefully utilise the changes in Covid precautions for our opening day event it has been agreed that the Green will be available for play from the previously planned date of Saturday 10th April to enable those members that wish to start having personal roll up / practise sessions.

In order to conform to Bowls England precautionary measures we will be offering 3 rinks – alternately spaced for members safe distancing, these will be available in 2 hour time slots starting at Noon / 2 pm / 4 pm / 6 pm which will need to be booked on the club website in similar manner to last year and the winter indoor season. There will also be a sheet of Track and Trace for members to note their attendance as per Bowls England requirements. Anyone attending should ensure they are clear of their rink 15 minutes before the end of their time period to enable the new members to arrive safely & play should be governed by the ‘rule of six’ maximums per group/rink.

Precautionary measures to be followed during attendance will be distributed prior to the start of the season.

From 10th April it is also planned that the Petanque court shall be available for use, with precautions being followed similar to those being used previously. In view of the limited numbers using this facility it has been agreed by the committee that booking is not needed to use this court but attendees should follow the ‘Rule of Six’ limits, and if anyone wishes to use it before the 10th April then they may do so but will need to currently set up the equipment themselves as it is not yet prepared.

Chris Johns – MBBC Secretary