Resumption of Play – update
Bowls England have issued a message with some updates of how they HOPE bowls will be able to start up this season. I have extracted the paragraph relevant to us all as below and, although we have some weeks to go, it looks like the official guidance notes will not be available until nearer the time of opening (planned for our club on April 10th). The committee is exploring options for how we can start the season. There is also a comment from Bowls Cornwall below.
Chris Johns – MBBC Secretary
From Bowls England
Return to Play
On Monday 8th March we will be attending a Sport England briefing on ‘Return to Play’ with sport-specific guidance expected from the government via DCMS by Monday 29th March, which is the same day as Step 1 of the government roadmap. At Step 1 we expect affiliated clubs to be able to open and play to return based on the ‘Rule of 6’ and from 12th April Step 2 is likely to allow outdoor catering on site, changing rooms to be open and the easing of travel restrictions. Step 3 from Monday 17th May means larger groups should be able to gather at clubs and inside catering to take place with restrictions and, finally, Step 4 from Monday 21st June should allow the easing of all restrictions.
PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOT OFFICIAL GUIDANCE. As soon as we are in a position to provide full, DCMS approved guidance for our affiliated clubs we will do. We are conscious there are lots of questions and we are as eager as you for them to be answered. Please be patient and bear with us.
From Bowls Cornwall
You should be in receipt of an email sent out today from Matt Wordingham giving an update on the 2021 Season Planning which is NOT OFFICIAL GUIDANCE. I am writing to advise you that Bowls Cornwall will be considering the official guidance when it is received and will issue detailed information on the County Programme and competitions. In the meantime the printing of the County Handbooks is on hold.
Christine Hore