Petanque Coaching update 2

I am relieved we moved the day forward!

I think you will agree that this was a very useful exercise and that Graeme was an informative and amusing coach. I enjoyed the day and learned a lot. There’s more to it than I first imagined so we are going to be challenged.  Graeme has produced an information sheet which you can find here.

How to move on to playing some games is the next question and both suggestions and volunteers to organise are invited.

For those of you not yet using our website I encourage you to start to do so. It’s where you can now reserve both sessions to play carpet or short mat games in the club house, or petanque.

Unlike the summer games we won’t be able to arrange to use 4 rinks with 4 people on each. Only 6 can be either in the clubhouse, or on the petanque court, although both can be in use at the same time. So we need to get into the habit of contacting others by phone and arranging games with one person booking the session for their group. This applies to carpet bowls, short mat or petanque. You can do this now, even if you want to just practice alone. Should someone see your booking and want to join you then they must phone you, you agree and then you must be the one to amend your booking.

One possibility is to form teams, either pairs or triples, and run an informal league similar to our pairs league, but with the game schedules having to be arranged between each team. Comments on that idea are invited.

Please inform any other member you think might be interested

Booking system instructions can be found under the Booking Sheet tab and in the relevant post (in News and Events).   A  modified set of Petanque rules can be found by clicking here.

David House