Use of kitchen and indoor bowling update

Further discussion occurred at the December Executive Meeting regarding the potential usage of the kitchen. It has been agreed to open the kitchen for the making of tea or coffee, however it is stressed that this may only take place DURING booked sessions to have a hot drink whilst attending a session, and members must NOT use this facility to extend the time of their booked session. The precautionary measures that are to be followed for the use of the kitchen are now included within ‘MBBC – Indoor Risk Assessment & Precautionary Measures – v4‘. For your information, only that kitchen section of the document has been changed in this issue. At this time we are not able to provide biscuits to accompany the drink as this involves members rummaging within a container and therefore a higher potential risk factor, alternatives are being looked into for this situation. Cost per mug remains at 50p.

For the Short Mat bowlers I would like to take this opportunity to advise you that certain elements of our club processes, whilst keeping basically within government guidelines, are outside of the permitted requirements that the ESMBA have for achieving their ‘Safe to Bowl’ certification. Thus, if at a time in the future it becomes necessary to apply for that certificate we may have to divulge our precautionary measures for short mat attendees, to satisfy the ESMBA criteria.  As roll ups on the short mat are currently proceeding on the sole basis of our own internal club members, we are not currently applying for that status and members should be aware of this and be cautious if discussing our facilities with external personnel.

As I’m sure you are all aware, the numbers of cases reported in Cornwall appears to have bottomed out from the full Lockdown situation and just begun to rise again. Please stay safe and alert to prevention measures. With the impending vaccination program to come (next year for many of us), we hope to look forward to a better season when outdoors opens in 2021 and wish for us all to be there for it.

Chris Johns – MBBC Secretary