Anyone for Petanque? – update

11 August 2020
After a positive response from a good number of members, the committee has agreed to the construction of a Petanque court.  This will enable an alternative to short-mat and carpet bowls, both of which have had their 2020/21 leagues cancelled.  It will also allow members who can no longer bowl to participate in an alternative game and will provide a supplementary activity throughout the year on event days and summer evenings, for example.

Many clubs have secondary activities which complement rather than replace the core game and this is the objective at Mylor, where it is hoped that it will widen membership appeal and longevity. No special clothing or footwear is required and the only equipment needed is a set of Boules, so it really can be played ‘at the drop of a hat’.

The construction of the 12 metre court (or Piste) is being overseen by Jeff Askew, so we are assured of a quality product, which will not encroach on the core bowling activities.

For those who are interested, the rules we propose to adopt can be found here.


16 July 2020
With reference to the post below, the following has just been announced.

I regret to inform club members that notification has today been received that the upcoming Short Mat Winter League has been cancelled by the organisers.

As the situation continues to evolve over the months ahead the committee will continue to assess whether our club is able to safely start with any internal bowling for short mat / carpet bowls.


As part of the evaluation for potential events at the Club over Winter, if the club house itself remains out of use and thus we don’t have Carpet bowls or Short Mat, it has proposed the possibility of constructing a Petanque court on the external ground adjacent to the last changing room shed. This would be ‘all weather’ although it is not anticipated to use it during the coldest months or in rain conditions but could extend the club use for a couple of months either side of the ‘normal’ outdoor season if we have no indoors.

The construction would obviously bear some cost element and it would be proposed to recoup this outlay via a small ‘roll up’ fee when using the facility.

The committee therefore requests that any members who consider they would be interested in playing this sport during the next winter to please respond to the secretary to enable further discussion and consideration of the idea at our next meeting.

Chris Johns – MBBC Secretary

