Meetings Announcements
Special General Meeting – 26th August
At the Executive meeting held on Monday 10th August the committee unanimously passed (in line with Constitution item 8 para 6) a request to hold a Special General Meeting, scheduled for Wednesday 26th August 14:00 in order to urgently seek a vote on an amendment to the club constitution.
The timing of the event has been chosen as there should already be 16 members present for the Internal League game, who can safely attend at a social distance on the green. In order to achieve the required Quorom for voting purposes we need at least 21 members present but our numbers permitted at the club are currently restricted under the Covid precautionary measures to a maximum of 30 persons. It is therefore requested in advance if members could notify me of their planned attendance at this meeting so that we can ensure there are both adequate numbers to consider the constitutional amendment but not above the level that are currently permitted.
The purpose of the meeting is to consider and vote on a proposal of amendment for constitution Para “8.1 – The Annual General Meeting of the club shall take place each year in the month of October.”
Whilst the committee is actively planning to hold an AGM on Wednesday 28th October through whatever means possible under the Covid precautions that are in place at that time, we also need to have in place an option if the external Covid restrictions do not permit the club to hold such a meeting. It is hoped that the duration of the meeting will be kept to a minimum to enable the process of voting on the motion presented below.
The proposed amendment that will be put to the vote is as follows –
“In the event of exceptional circumstances arising beyond the control of the Club that make the holding of the Annual General Meeting in October impossible then as a last resort the Executive Committee shall have the power to postpone the meeting. In the event of postponement of the meeting all full members of the Club will be informed of the postponement and the reason for it within 7 days. The rearranged meeting shall take place as soon as possible and will be conducted in accordance with this Constitution. In the interim period between meetings all members of the Executive will continue to serve unless choosing to resign in which case their replacement will be made under para 3.6 administration.
Annual General Meeting – 28th October
The committee is actively planning to hold an Annual General Meeting, the proposed location has provisionally been agreed to be the Tremayne Hall on Wednesday 28th October at 18:30, this hall giving an improved ability for social distancing for the numbers that generally attend the Club AGM.
As per para 8.2 I hereby give notice of this AGM to all members, the Agenda and topics will follow in due course to allow for consideration in advance of the meeting.
Under para 8.4 members are advised that if they wish to submit any proposal for alteration to the Constitution then it must be sent / given to me by the 31st August.
Any member wishing to read the Constitution, it is available on the club website.
Could I please request that those members that act as ’email’ buddies for non-online members please relay this notification onwards, a full agenda will be provided to those members when it is prepared.