Green re-opening – structure
From Chris Johns – Hon.Sec.
Following the change in government stipulations for protection of people from Covid-19, and the follow up recommendations from Bowls England (& BC) it is hoped to open the Mylor club Green for roll up sessions. For those that have indicated they would like to start enjoying Roll ups these will need to be in planned allotted times, arranged through a system that Roger Mitchell has kindly agreed to initiate and carry out for members. At this time I have received 23 notifications of members wishing to partake of the facility, for which precautions for protection of members are currently being arranged at the club which we hope to have completed ready for a start date of JUNE 1st.
For any of you that wish to begin having Roll ups from when it is available or afterwards, that have not already responded with your name to me, then you may either contact Roger direct on 01872 571711 to be included in the list, or send a message to me and I’ll forward on to him.