Further update on re-opening of green
From Chris Johns – Hon. Sec. – 15th May
Bowls England have now evaluated the latest government requirements for Covid-19 precautions and issued their guidelines to clubs for how to conform to these requirements. The club committee is now incorporating those into a club specific document to enable the reopening of the Green for bowls on a limited scale. Each rink in use will only be allowed to have:- either a single player / or more than 1 if from the same household / or 2 players if from different households and they have both agreed to such use.
To assist with planning on how to allocate slots of availability could any members that wish to partake of bowls during this situation please advise by return message, with indication of numbers for single / joint / 2 from same household.
From Chris Johns – Hon. Sec. – 14th May
Further to my message yesterday, please see item from Bowls England Chair (on Covid19 update page) indicating that active consideration is being given to how Bowls can go forward. Further updates will be forthcoming, at which time we hope to formalise Mylor club guidelines within the recommended framework, to enable us to present a safe opportunity to start bowls in some form, albeit likely to be a distant personal style to start with.