Winter Leagues report

Winter Leagues report from Chris Johns (Secretary) – 17th April 2020

As we have so far been unable to hold our club opening day this year, I take this opportunity to pass on information and congratulations regarding the success of the Mylor Teams within the Winter competitions.

In Carpet Bowls, following some re-organising of the players within each team all 3 teams did well.

Mylor Team A finished in a very creditable 3rd place within Division 1, just being pushed out of 2nd place by 1 point when another team played their final game. The team also collected the Desmond Hocking Shield for rink with the highest (favourable) shot difference.

Mylor Team B played an excellent season of games and won Division by a resounding margin of 15 points, and will be promoted to Div 1 next year.

Mylor Team C came together well with previous and new members to form a effective team, and in what is traditionally a tight division (where only 7 and a half points separate 2nd to 7th) came a very creditable mid table.

In the Area Mixed Pairs congratulations to Sue Rath & Frank Derbyshire who won the Final after a very hard fought night of finals matches, a picture of the trophy presentation is attached. (Featured in previous post).

The club does still have some representatives through to play in other Area competition finals but these have been deferred until Autumn due to the current restrictions on group attendances.

In Short Mat Bowls, unfortunately the season was curtailed slightly by the onset of the Covid-19 crisis so the final 2 games were not played but…..

The Creeksiders team largely played together as per the previous year and had a successful year finishing in an excellent 2nd place in the league.

Mylor team were going through a formative year with some new players joining the team and were beginning to show improvement at the end of season but best to say that next year the only way is up.